Thursday, 24 November 2011

"À bout de souffle" (Breathlesss) by Jean-Luc Godard 1960

Seated in an uncomfortable seat spent an hour of my life watching a masterpiece, one of the great movies ever made. Did not know what to expect because have never seen a movie of Jean-Luc Godard and thought that I’ll give it a shot only because it was directed by one of the most influential directors of ALL-TIME even though I am not a great fan of that era.

To be honest I found the film monotonous, unentertaining and boring, but it still is one of the greatest movies. I think being black and white and dull story line in the film left me emotion-less, I understand the intrigue, particularly if you were alive and young when this film was showing for the first time in the cinema but it didn’t hit me the way it did others. However I can appreciate how it influenced and affected everybody down the generations and it still was directed by one of the greatest of all time.  I like movies when after watching you have to get yourself thinking and constantly get back to it and rethink over again and "Breathless" was not one of them, but it still is one of the greatest movies ever made.

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